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Aug 23, 2018
2 min

OSS/BSS Integration: The Migraine of Telecom

The most dreaded part of deploying a network has long been OSS/BSS integration. The days of Telcordia and OSMINE are something many would like to forget. Unfortunately, back office systems are required to provision services, bill customers, and complete many other activities. So how can you deploy new services and technologies without OSS/BSS integration causing a migraine? We might just have the right medicine.

Recently Calix and GLDS announced that they’d achieved an industry first reducing back office integration from an unprecedented four months to only four weeks. This was achieved because of the AXOS software platform’s hardware independence, software abstraction, and SDN interfaces. 

Learn more about AXOS software here.

Vice President, Field Partner Marketing, Calix

Teresa McGaughey is the area vice president field and BSP segment marketing at Calix. With over 20 years of experience in the telecommunications industry with a focus on the access network in software development, product management, sales, and marketing—as well as a patent in router-on-a-chip technology—Teresa has extensive knowledge of what it takes to make networks work from a global perspective. She holds a B.S. in Computer Science. 

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