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Network Engineering

Meeting the growing demand on network engineers

Subscriber demands are putting pressure on the network while network engineers continue to grapple with complexity and security. Broadband service providers can take a fresh approach to these mounting issues.

engineer with tablet

Your challenges

Challenges facing broadband network engineers today

Pressure to perform and scale

The growing demand for faster and more reliable network services and the emergence of new technologies puts pressure on network engineers to ensure networks can handle increased traffic, maintain high performance, and scale efficiently to accommodate future needs.

Complex network management

In today's fast-paced and technology-driven world, managing modern networks has become increasingly complex. It involves dealing with complex architectures, integration, and management of diverse systems while maintaining optimal performance and reliability.

Network security threats

Network security remains a critical challenge. With cyber threats increasing in complexity, engineers must continually update and secure network infrastructure against various forms of attacks, such as ransomware, DDoS attacks, phishing, and other evolving security threats.

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Resolving network problems faster, with lower OPEX and reduced escalations

Learn network engineering's best practices in resolving problems faster, with lower OPEX and reduced escalations.

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Solutions to improve your network

The impossible is now possible

Pushing the extremes of outdoor Wi-Fi

Deliver extraordinary 1 mile Wi-Fi coverage—and everything in between. With long-range outdoor Wi-Fi, broadband service providers can extend the ultimate Wi-Fi subscriber experience to untapped markets such as large acreage rural communities, farms, camp sites, marinas, golf courses, and so much more. ​

GPON delivers fiber to the home and business

Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) is the leading fiber access technology for delivering gigabit Internet services to residential and business subscribers. An all-fiber technology, GPON is used to build Fiber to the Premises (FTTP)—also known as Fiber to the Home (FTTH)—networks that connect subscribers to the local ISP serving office.

The right 10G PON solution for your network, at the right time

10G PON solutions make it possible for you to meet your subscriber's demands, whatever they may be.

Network security for your perimeter and everything in-between

Communications service providers need to develop and execute a comprehensive, end-to-end security strategy with policies to secure all layers of the network. It is imperative to protect the network and subscribers from things like Distributed Denial of Service attacks (DDoS), Trojan horses, botnets, computer worms, adware, spyware, malware threats, and other types of malicious threats.

Eliminate your FCC performance testing compliance risk

Regulatory bodies such as the FCC have mandated that service providers using certain funding sources put all the necessary equipment, systems, and procedures in place to enable performance testing and start reporting their results on a regular basis.

Active ethernet can help you simplify your operations

Active Ethernet (AE) is a point-to-point fiber access technology for delivering Internet services to residential and business subscribers. As the name implies, point-to-point offers a dedicated fiber connection to subscribers with Fiber to the Home (FTTH) or Fiber to the Business (FTTB) services.

5G opportunities for broadband service providers

The proliferation of 5G small cells has the undesirable consequence of significantly increasing the transport costs of the Radio Access Network (RAN). As the number of radios increases, RAN transport costs grow and soon far exceed the cost of the mobile network radios. Broadband network operators leveraging XGS-PON solutions can enable cost-efficient 5G transport using the same field-proven techniques that have made fiber to the home (FTTH) networks globally successful.

Case studies

Customer successes

Ellijay Telephone Company (ETC)

ETC simplifies network with Intelligent Access and and reduces OPEX with AANG

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The E9-2 Intelligent System is helping to segment Layer 2 access networks and ensure a more secure network that is scalable and simple to operate.

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Silver Star

Open access network models have helped Silver Star improve end user experience and provide a profitable opportunity.

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Products & services

Capabilities from Calix