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Tribal broadband provider

Broadband solutions to advance Tribal Nations​

Digital equity for Tribal and Indigenous Nations first requires connectivity. Working with Calix to bring reliable, high-speed internet to your community ensures access to essential services, remote job opportunities, online education, and telehealth providers. 

smiling women with tablet

Partner with Calix to thrive now and in the future​

Bridge the digital divide for tribal sovereignty​

Tribal autonomy

We help navigate the broadband funding landscape and the deployment process—providing whatever level of support you are comfortable with and leaving you with complete ownership of the network and its future.​

Economic development​

Broadband networks unlock new business and eCommerce opportunities, creating additional revenue to reinvest back into the community.​

Lasting positive change

Our platform is a robust, scalable network that can grow along with you, without draining your often limited resources now—or in the future.​

Online Curriculum

Broadband Academy

The journey to becoming a Broadband Service Provider can feel overwhelming. Broadband Academy's online curriculum guides your path to providing life-changing connectivity for your tribe. You don't need to be a Calix customer to enroll. ​

Broadband services fundamentals​

About this learning path:

Students will be introduced to the five stages of building a successful broadband business: fund, design, build, operate, market. Lessons cover everything from how broadband works and types of connectivity to important considerations in government and private funding. Students will learn about key factors in network design so they can confidently work with designers and engineers. Build and operate lessons include topics like outside plant construction, effectively monitoring the build phase, common operating challenges, and the importance of customer service.

  • Broadband Services Fundamentals​

  • Funding for Broadband Services​

  • Design for Broadband Services

  • Build for Broadband Services

  • Operate for Broadband Services

Broadband specifics for tribes

About this course​:

In this course, students will learn about specific considerations that tribes should be aware of when planning to build broadband infrastructure and operate a broadband business. This includes methods of owning and operating a broadband network, funding for tribes’ broadband projects, permit requirements for broadband infrastructure projects, and tips for running a for-profit business. After completing this course, students will be ready to begin working on broadband projects for tribes.​

  • How to Prepare Your Broadband Services for Future Generations

  • Methods of Owning and Operating a Broadband Network​

  • Funding for Tribes: Eligibility and Availability​

  • Managing Broadband Funding: Best Practices and Obligations

  • Permit Requirements for Broadband Infrastructure Deployments

  • How to Run a For-Profit Broadband Business

Don't take our word for it!

Hear what our customers are saying about Broadband Academy

"Broadband Academy is a great learning resource to understand the telecom industry at a high level. Learning how to fund, design, build, operate, and market your network will help prepare you to apply for and execute grant awards. Broadband Academy is also a great training tool for new employees."

“Even in this short course, I learned a lot about broadband networks that I have been trying to figure out on my own for almost two years! Thank you for using clear, simple explanations and visuals so that someone with my lack of knowledge finally understands the process and terminology used in this field!”

"Thank you for starting at the very basics. I am very new to the industry, and this is extremely helpful! I’m also new to the job of customer support, and I feel so much more confident taking calls with each lesson I complete. This educational resource makes me excited for my future and the future of our company." 


Learn the ins and outs of delivering tribal broadband

The Broadband Success Playbook for Tribes​

Every tribe is different, but all share one vision—to lift the community while maintaining sovereignty. Broadband is an opportunity you can’t miss. Learn the ins and outs of delivering broadband, from your business strategy to building a subscriber base, with The Broadband Success Playbook.

Customer successes

Siyeh Communications

Siyeh Communications is first tribally owned broadband provider to deploy Bark to help protect children from social media harm.

Read press release
Mohawk Networks

Mohawk Networks leverages the Calix platform to ensure vitality for their community while reducing truck rolls 80 percent.

Read press release
Broadband Academy

Tribal leaders can leverage $2 billion in funding to build world-class broadband capabilities that foster prosperity in their communities.

Read press release

Educational resources for tribes

Learn more about how to launch and manage broadband solutions

Education Services for tribes

Through partnerships with N50 Project, NTTA, and Tribal Broadband Bootcamps, tribally-led companies may access Calix University training at no charge by request below. Invest in workforce development with courses on:

  • Technical know-how for network operations​
  • Hands-on skill-building with virtual labs​
  • Cloud solutions for increasing team insights and confidence​
  • Best practices for troubleshooting
Funding for tribes: how to determine your eligibility and learn what's available​
Read blog post
How to enroll in Broadband Academy's course for tribal communities
Read blog post
Why now is the right time to bring broadband to your tribe​
Read blog post

Sponsorships and partnerships

Calix is proud to sponsor and partner with tribally led organizations​

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