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Broadband Academy

Learn what it takes to build and manage broadband services

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Calix Broadband Academy

The journey to becoming a Broadband Service Provider can feel overwhelming. That's why we created Broadband Academy, an online curriculum that guides you through the five stages of building a successful broadband business. 

5 stages to becoming a broadband service provider


Identify and secure funding to connect your community.


Design a scalable, future-proof network​.


Plan for a smooth broadband build-out.


Ensure sustainable broadband operations.


Develop critical skills to sell and market broadband.

For customers and non-customers alike

Learn how to build, sell and manage internet services

You don’t need to be a Calix customer to access Broadband Academy.

1.     Register

2.    Start your first course
       Download course catalog

3.    Complete courses and earn badges

4.    Receive your Certificate of Completion

5.    Deploy broadband services with confidence

Broadband Academy materials

Get started

Discover the foundational courses offered in Broadband Academy

Broadband Services Fundamentals

About this course

In this course, students will be introduced to the fundamentals of building a broadband business, including the five stages, key considerations, and where to start. Students will also learn how broadband works and the types of connectivity that are commonly used today. After completing this course, students will be ready to dive deeper into each stage of building a broadband business.​

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1.     Introduction: The Role of the Broadband Service Provider

2.    The Five Stages of Building a Broadband Network

3.    The Broadband Network: How It Works

4.    Types of Connectivity: Coax vs. Wireless vs. Fiber

5.    Before Funding: The Feasibility Study

6.    You Dont Have to Go It Alone: Partners That Can Help

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Funding for Broadband Services

About this course

In this course, students will learn about government and private funding for new broadband businesses. After completing this course, students will understand which options could work for their business and how to start finding funding programs and/or partners.

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1.     An Introduction to Funding: Factors That Determine Availability and Eligibility

2.    Government Funding: Programs, Important Considerations, and Resources

3.    Private Funding: Options, Important Considerations, and Resources

4.    Securing Private Funding: The Importance of Teaser Documents, Pitch Decks, and Term Sheets

5.    The "Dos and Don’ts" of Applying for Government Funding

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Design Broadband Services

About this course

In this course, students will learn about designing a broadband network and some of the key factors that should be considered in the design stage, such as the subscriber, the service area, and the technology. Students will also learn how the design of the access network, middle mile infrastructure, and subscriber home network affects the online experience. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to confidently work with network designers and engineers.

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1.     Start With the Subscriber: Design a Network That Delivers the Best Experience

2.    Other Network Design Considerations: Getting To Know Your Service Area

3.    Designing the Access Network

4.    The Middle Mile: Planning and Design Considerations

5.    The Subscriber Home Network

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Build for Broadband Services

About this course

In this course, students will learn about the construction of the outside plant, being all the physical components used outdoors to transfer the internet signal. Students will also learn the importance of finding the right construction contractor to work with and why the community should be kept informed throughout the build. After completing this course, students will be able to effectively monitor the build and help ensure the construction stages stay on track.

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1.     Build Overview: Partnering with the Right Contractor

2.    The Seven Stages of Constructing the Outside Plant

3.    Monitoring the Build: You Can't Expect What You Don't Inspect

4.    Mitigating Risks During the Construction of the Outside Plant 

5.    Keeping the Community Informed

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Operate for Broadband Services

About this course

In this course, students will learn what it takes to successfully operate a broadband business, including the staff needed and management processes that should be followed. Students will also learn about common operating challenges and the importance of customer service. After completing this course, students will be ready to provide quality service and support to their subscribers.

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1.     Before You Deploy: Hiring the Right Staff for Your Broadband Operations

2.    Understanding Network Management: How FCAPS Helps Keep Network Operations Running Smoothly

3.    Operating a Broadband Network: Common Challenges and How to Solve Them

4.    How to Provide First-Rate Customer Services to Your Subscribers

5.    Success Stories from Your Peers

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Market for Broadband Services

About this course

Learn marketing strategies and tactics that you and your team can use to sell internet services and create rich subscriber experiences​ while offering solutions that squarely map to their individual needs​.​ Take your passion for marketing, technology, and the customer to the next level. 

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1.     Email Marketing: Building a Targeted, Segmented Email List to Deliver the Right Message

2.     Content Creation: Build a Winning Content Strategy to Attract Your Subscribers

3.     Mobile App Marketing: Making Deeper Customer Connections

4.     Social Media Marketing: Persona-based Targeting

5.     Product Marketing: Developing a Perfect Product Launch

Ready for a deeper dive?

Understand broadband specifics for your business type with these custom-made courses

Understanding Broadband Specifics for Tribes

About this course

In this course, students will learn about specific considerations that tribes should be aware of when planning to build broadband infrastructure and operate a broadband business. This includes methods of owning and operating a broadband network, funding for tribes’ broadband projects, permit requirements for broadband infrastructure projects, and tips for running a for-profit business. After completing this course, students will be ready to begin working on broadband projects for tribes.​

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1.      How to Prepare Your Broadband Services for Future Generations ​

2.     Methods of Owning and Operating a Broadband Network​

3.     Funding for Tribes: Eligibility and Availability​

4.     Managing Broadband Funding: Best Practices and Obligatons ​

5.     Permit Requirements for Broadband Infrastructure Deployments ​

6.     How to Run a For-Profit Broadband Business

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Understanding Broadband Services for Electric Co-Ops

About this course

In this course, students will learn about specific considerations that electric cooperatives should be aware of when planning to build broadband infrastructure and operate a broadband business. This includes methods of owning and operating a broadband network, advantages and disadvantages of partnering with third-party entities, how broadband infrastructure can improve your electric operations, and tips for running a competitive business. After completing this course, students will be ready to begin working on broadband projects for electric cooperatives.​

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1.     Why Electric Co-ops are Uniquely Positioned to Provide Broadband Services​

2.    Options for Owning and Operating a Broadband Network 

3.    How Broadband Infrastructure Can Help Improve Your Electric Operations​

4.    Running a Competitive Broadband Business​

5.    The Importance of Data Insights ​

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News and insights about Broadband Academy


Deliver and sustain the broadband experience your community deserves

Become a digital leader and provide life-changing connectivity.

EdTech Cool Awards Finalist

Broadband Academy is recognized in the Professional Skills (Workforce, Upskilling) Solution Category. 

The EdTech Awards from EdTech Digest recognizes outstanding contributions in transforming education through technology.

EdTech Cool Tool Finalist 2024 Award

Leading Lights Award finalist

Broadband Academy and The Broadband Success Playbook for Tribes: 2024 Finalist in the category "Outstanding Use Case: Bridging the Digital Divide".  

This is awarded to the company with the best example of how to broaden internet access.

leading light education services award

What our customers are saying about Broadband Academy

Broadband Academy will be a valuable tool for training current and future staff members. The topics are well organized. I can assign specific lessons based on the employee's role or allow for additional learning opportunities beyond their current scope. I like that each video is quick, succinct, and includes simple knowledge checks.

Bonnie N. Baty
Marketing and Services Manager
Cullman Electric Cooperative
Broadband Academy is a great learning resource to understand the telecom industry at a high level. Learning how to fund, design, build, operate and market your network will help prepare you to apply for and execute grant awards. Broadband Academy is also a great training tool for new employees.

Jason Hall
Broadband Grants & Projects
Mohawk Networks, LLC
Very informative, questions were answered confidently. Haven't had any training this great or close to this level. Made sure I was able to keep up with the information being said. Pop Quizzes were great for making sure I was paying attention. 10 out of 5 would recommend to newcomers.

Jesse Ghost Dog
Oglala Lakota Telecommunications, LLC
For a broadband service provider to succeed, they must understand the fundamentals of running a fiber broadband business. I use Broadband Academy to educate and train our company across a variety of roles, from field operations technicians to customer service representatives, so we all understand the fundamentals of what it takes to be an excellent BSP. With this fresh and easy to follow tool, we are knowledgeable in current best practices and keep a shared common language.

John Rinehart
Chief Customer Officer and Co-Founder
FastBridge Fiber

Learn more about how different businesses work with Calix to deploy broadband services

Telephone cooperatives
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Cable operators
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Electric cooperatives
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Tribal communities
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Wireless internet service providers (WISPs)
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