The Power of the Marketer: 4 Key Takeaways From the Calix Marketer Summit
What happens when you fill a room full of marketers? Well, for starters, lots of ideas and enthusiasm. Earlier this month, we invited more than 50 marketing professionals to come together for our first-ever Calix Marketer Summit.
During this half-day event, we shared best practices, discussed marketing leadership, and worked on how to define the ideal subscriber experience. The collaborative spirit and energy were truly inspiring. While, in the future, we’ll share more of the thought leadership that came out of this event, here are four key takeaways from the summit.
- Build strong relationships and win subscribers for life. Industry giants can deliver cheap, fast internet. That doesn’t mean they’ll win the fight for subscribers. As Calix CMO Matt Collins shared, giving subscribers amazing services, protecting their families, and securing their home networks builds powerful relationships—and that’s extremely hard to displace.
- Being a commodity is a choice. Marketing visionary Seth Godin highlighted how BSPs can avoid the commodity trap. It starts by going above and beyond to deliver an experience that subscribers value. He encouraged marketers to challenge the status quo. He also urged them to do work that matters and drives change.
- Alignment is critical. The best practices panel featured Samantha Chavez of Tularosa Communications, Ashley Gustafson of OTTC, and Bridget Watkins and Todd Graden from the Calix Customer Success team. The panel discussed the importance of organizational alignment on what makes the ultimate subscriber experience. One way to accomplish this goal is to ensure teams are working together and communicating with one another to deliver the ultimate subscriber experience.
- Define the ideal subscriber experience and then improve it. Unlike other industries with established benchmarks, the broadband services industry has yet to define the ideal subscriber experience. While no such playbook currently exists, it will soon! Our interactive workshop brainstormed what defines the ideal subscriber experience, how to measure it, and best practices for delivering it. We are developing an eBook on this important topic and can’t wait to share it with you. Stay tuned.
Marketers, you are the pulse of your organization and a champion for change. You can leverage the power of data to gain a deep understanding of what your organization’s customers want and need. Taking steps to consider what makes the ideal subscriber experience is just one more way you can set your business up for success. We understand pushing boundaries can be scary, but many of the marketers who joined our summit are already on the journey—and ready to lead the way.
Take your marketing to the next level with Calix Broadband Marketing Academy.
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