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Aug 04, 2022
3 min

Launch Your Broadband Business—5 Ways Calix Broadband Academy Prepares You for Success

While demand for broadband continues to surge across the United States, the FCC estimates that approximately 14.5 million people still do not have access to broadband. Non-traditional service providers, such as electric cooperatives, have stepped up in increasing numbers to fill the gap, delivering new broadband services to the communities they’ve served for generations. 

We know getting into the broadband business presents new challenges for electric cooperatives. Delivering broadband is complex, with many variables shaping the subscriber's experience. That’s why we created Calix Broadband Academy. This unique curriculum—designed for leaders planning new broadband businesses—gives new service providers the knowledge they need to launch and grow their broadband businesses and improve their communities. 

Building on Experience Gained Working with 100+ Electric Cooperatives 

Calix has worked with 86 percent of all US electric cooperatives that have transformed their organizations to become broadband service providers (BSPs). With Calix Broadband Academy, we’re now making this valuable experience available to new providers who want to expand into broadband. Broadband Academy gives new BSPs training, expert insights, and best practices on the five key steps to building a successful broadband business: Fund, Design, Build, Operate & Market. 

  1. Identify and secure funding to grow a thriving broadband business. Securing funding is a critical step for any broadband business. More than $100 billion in unprecedented federal, state, and local funding is earmarked to build new broadband networks in underserved and unserved communities. The funding course is designed to help BSPs navigate how to identify—and secure—the right type of funding to grow their business. 
  2. Design a scalable, future-proof network that maximizes investment. Designing a world-class broadband network is a complex undertaking. Broadband Academy teaches how to architect efficient, scalable, end-to-end networks that deliver the latest services and capabilities—and create lasting economic and social value for communities. 
  3. Plan for a smooth broadband buildout. Even for companies with deep infrastructure experience, building a broadband network can present new challenges. Lessons range from finding the right partners for network construction to ways to keep future subscribers engaged and excited for their upcoming service. 
  4. Learn how to ensure highly efficient broadband operations. Today’s subscribers have high expectations for their broadband experience and rural subscribers deserve the same level of experience as their urban counterparts. The operations course offers insights and best practices to help BSPs operate broadband networks with peak performance while ensuring subscribers enjoy the ultimate broadband experience. 
  5. Develop critical marketing skills to excite subscribers and grow revenue. Companies just entering the broadband space may not have the marketing skills they need to compete. Learners can take advantage of the extensive Marketing Academy curriculum available within Broadband Academy. Lessons cover marketing strategies and tactics for digital, email, social media, mobile, and more—enabling even the smallest teams to create exciting member experiences. 

Learn how to grow your broadband business with Broadband Academy at Calix ConneXions 2022. Register to attend today. 

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