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Sep 10, 2022
3 min

Are You a Great Storyteller? Come to ConneXions and Find Out (and 4 Other Reasons You Should Attend)

ConneXions is almost here; if you haven't registered yet, here are five reasons you should. And if you have registered, then here are five things to get you excited for the best industry event of the year.

#1 The Power of Story-Telling To Unlock the Power of Your Brand

Marketing is always about more than just puffing up your product. Your brand is a guide for the subscriber, helping them dig into what they need and providing real solutions to actual problems. This isn’t pie-in-the-sky; it’s concrete and grounded. What do subscribers want? They’ll tell you with their actions. It’s how you help them—that’s what they’ll remember. And that can turn them into an advocate for you.

Need help telling your brand story? Donald Miller, the CEO of Business Made Simple and author of the absolute game-changer, Building a StoryBrand, will be onstage at ConneXions this year to lead you. 

#2 Elevate Your Subscriber—Be the Champion for Subscriber Experience

Marketers sit at the intersection of data and insights. From this position they can see what subscribers want (and what they need). From planning for new subscriber acquisition to launching new services with your existing subscribers, marketers are the champions of the subscriber experience. Join us to hear the latest best practices for planning and executing a superior subscriber experience. We will also cover:

  • Setting audacious marketing goals and achieving them.

  • Engaging subscriber with new services.

  • Following best practices—shared by a panel of your peers—on acquisition, new launches, and increasing subscriber satisfaction.

#3 Elevate Your Role—Be the Subscriber Champion at Your Organization

Outstanding service occurs when broadband service providers (BSPs) are aligned across the entire organization. As a marketer you are in the best position to lead that alignment and transform your customer service representatives and field techs into brand ambassadors. Having common goals across your front-line brand ambassadors—combined with a strong marketing plan that elevates the subscriber experience—will create an army of marketers across your organization. Join us as your peers share:

  • Their top ways that support organizations are boosting subscriber experience.

  • Insights and examples of building a high-powered functionally-aligned team.

#4 Elevate Your Community—Be the Champion for Your Town

Bridging the digital divide requires the alignment of community needs to services delivered by the broadband organization—and marketers sit at the center of this transformation. Thriving communities are connected to a larger digital economy, and bridging this digital divide requires the alignment of services, organization, and community need. We will explore how marketers can:

  • Support community growth 

  • Create competitive messages

#5 Don’t Forget About Daniel Pink, Gerry Dee or Tom Papa

With all the sessions just for BSP marketers, you may be wondering what else we could possibly pack in. Hear from five-time New York Times bestseller Daniel Pink. Plus, back by popular demand, our opener will feature comedian Gerry Dee—who will also be featured as a speaker in the must-attend track: ConneXions “Marketer Experience.” For the main event, we’re welcoming Tom Papa. Between the two, enjoy much-deserved laughs alongside many of your peers.

Learn more about our ConneXions Innovation and Customer Success Conference

Associate Vice President, Brand and Content Marketing, Calix

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