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Nov 09, 2023

A Guide to Designing Future-Proof Broadband Networks for Tribes

Now that you’ve secured funding, what’s next on the horizon?

It’s time to design and build a future-proof broadband network that stands tall with the evolving demands of your community and can act as a beacon of safety. For example, unreliable connectivity can mean your tribe can’t swiftly reach first responders in emergencies, jeopardizing lives.

Calix has helped tribes across the country to build broadband businesses for decades, and we can help you do the same. Join Claudia Tarbell, Senior Engagement Manager for Tribal & Indigenous Communities, and Andre Viera, Access Network Product Marketing from Calix to learn how planning for network simplicity can help you:

  • Consolidate service enabling functions to manage the network more efficiently

  • Move service enabling functions closer to the subscriber and get more granular control over traffic and security

  • Deliver a network that can be automated more easily to free time for your operations counterparts

  • Leverage data analytics to gain actionable insight into the subscriber-facing network