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Feb 27, 2025

Bad Actors Are Hijacking Networks. Fight Back With Security by Design

two employees at coffee shop working on devices

Given reports that one of the best-selling, inexpensive home routers is linked to widespread state-run cyberattacks from international bad actors, how do the best rural broadband businesses secure their networks? What measures do they take to protect their subscribers—and supply chains—from being hijacked by bad actors suspected of acting against the best interests of the United States and facing potential legislative bans?

Calix helps hundreds of broadband service providers (BSPs) defend against nefarious network breaches and keep their rural communities safe by embedding the best of "big provider" security design and strategy and empowering BSPs as you fight back with the strength of a trusted ecosystem that safeguards your networks, subscribers, and communities.

Join our webinar to learn:

  • What product security means—and why cheap can become unaffordable
  • Why security is everyone's responsibility and how to empower your teams
  • How assuming the worst is your best cybersecurity posture and security by design and end-to-end security safeguards your community